
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Flowers In The Sassy Garden

Here are some pictures that I took this week in the Sassy Garden.

These beautiful flowers are in my front and side yards. My own personal Sassy Garden.

The cherub bird bath is hiding in the flower bed.

Closeup of the pink flowers.
I'm not sure what they are. They are very, very, very small.

The rosebush along side of the Sassy Mansion.
It is getting ready to bud!

Another closeup.
Purple and pink are so pretty together. And look, more buds!

The geraniums in front of the globe...
in front of the pond. This makes me smile.

Just a few of the Roses that we will have this year.

Why are dogwoods so incredibly beautiful....
But smell so incredibly bad?

Whatever the reason, God even put flowers in the trees
to make us happy!

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