
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Martin Mitchell Mansion

Naperville, Illinois built in 1883

I went to visit with my mom. Interestingly it is free to enter if you are local! Built by George Martin II in 1883, it was a showcase for the local wealthy entrepreneur who had the brick and limestone business that literally built Chicago after the Great Fire. It is the only original building still on its building site within Naper Settlement.

Back door with cellar door

Carrage entrance

This is where the carraige riders would alight.
Not the steps that are high off the ground.

 Above every window and door there is the limestone that made George Martin II wealthy.
Also, notice the frosted glass pane with the name "Martin".

All above photos taken by author.


 This wallpaper was original to the house.
My mom says that it is the prettiest paper that she has ever seen in her life.
Photo does not due it justice. Flocked blue with silver filigree.

Above two photographs:

They wouldn't let me take pictures on the inside, but I wish that I could have taken pictures of two rooms for you.

The Kitchen floor is amazing. It is strikingly striped, with white ash and black walnut intermittently.

And, the upstairs front room has what they call a "Turkish Nook". This is in the front of the house where the solarium usually is. It is interesting because there is a cot covered in a bedspread with a small tapestry hanging above it. There is a Moroccan floor lamp opposite with a Spanish carved Dantesca chair. A tapestry hangs to one side of the window gathered with a tassel. This was the Mitchell's upstairs parlor.

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