
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Something interesting is coming up


Well, I am finding that I do not hate reading about farming like I thought I would. I just keep trying to imagine how it all related to those fabulous houses the Georgians built!

I will be posting some great information coming up in the following weeks. These will be about a week after I submit to my prof because I want to make sure that I get my grade for the week. So, depending upon when she grades me, will depend on what day I post.

I belive that this jem is for sale at the moment. So beautiful! Just think you can live in this 18th century farm house just like the Georgians did. Your farming meathods will be a little bit more advanced, though. BUT only if you want them to be.


  1. Okay, that place is gorgeous! I kind of want to move in right now!

  2. Hi Kelly, Sorry for the delay in the reply, but yes! I love it too!
