
Monday, October 22, 2012

PBS Showing of BBC's "Queens Palaces"

House History Show on Britain's Royal Residence Palaces

Last Sunday I found, quite by accident a BBC special that aired on PBS about one of the Royal Palaces. The show was on Windsor Castle, which those that know and love me know that this is definitely one of the places that I adore! So, even though my boyfriend was over, and it was Sunday night, I made him watch it with me. NOT SO BAD! Even though there was quite a bit of information that I knew, it was a fun watch. The hostess was Fiona Bruce, who is also the host of the British Version of Antiques Roadshow, but John said that he really couldn't understand her due to her accent. I understand her easily, and loved the fact that the show used someone that I have become familiar with, and whom I feel is trustworthy. I must say that I liked this show very much and thought that I would put it on my "To Purchase" List, but then promptly forgot because I went to bed immediately afterward. Boo to me on that one!

Tonight, The Steve Buscemi show or Nucky (these are the two names that I use for this show - Boardwalk Empire) was over and I started clicking the channels, and what did I find? Yes, that's right another installment of Queen's Palaces! Hooray for me! Yes, John was here again (He's falling in love with BWE just like me), and he was hoodwinked into watching today's episode, which was Holyrood House. Not only was I excited about another episode, but I was getting to see a palace that I know nothing about... or so I thought. Now, the first episode was full of information about the palace, and showed quite a bit of the castle (not as much as I've seen in other shows, but enough to wet John's appetite). However, tonight's episode was missing shots of the palace. They show the gallery; Mary, Queen of Scot's bedchamber; the bed where Bonnie Prince Charlie slept; and the stairwell along with a few pics of the outside and courtyard. This was mostly history on Mary and Charlie, which I knew already. When they finally got around to showing the staircase (which is amazing, btw), John said "I was wondering if we would ever see anything of the castle." Then when it was over, I was disappointed because I really didn't see much. Am I overzealous in wanting meat along with my potatoes?

I am really excited because this seems to be a miniseries of Palace histories! OOOOOO LOVELY! So, is there a next week's episode? I'm not quite sure because I can't seem to pull it up on the PBS list, but it looks like there are at least on three other episodes that I haven't seen. I'll look again next Sunday, and then I'll know for sure. Maybe you can find out if it's showing in your area by looking here OR, if you would just like to purchase it, it is currently under $20 here The Queen's Palaces. 

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