
Friday, December 14, 2012

American Made Regency Era Furniture

Furniture from the Chicago Art Institute

Made in America

Regency Era

I thought that I would be able to share all of the furniture photos that I took on my trip to the Chicago Art Institute, but alas, I can only show a fraction at one time.
Why did I go there? Well, it was a date! Yes, my very romantic boy friend decided to take me to see the art that I love so much, even though he is not interested at all! What a man. So romantic. Sigh....
So, in breaking up the photos, I thought that I would start with the Regency era furniture first. Why? Because they were the last photos that I took! I do have more photos of American furniture and more photos of Regency and other eras of European furniture. Hopefully I will find time to post those shortly.
Remember, that each one of these items below, even the paintings, 
were made in the Great U.S. of A., by and for Americans!


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