
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Housenotes on "Sanditon" by Jane Austen

Austen gives us great detail on houses within her books...

Sanditon is about a town, that sounds like Bath at its beginning. The construction is wild as the Parkers are excited to see it prosper. It is short because Austen was unable to finish the story. This is the story that she had been working on at her death. Still very darling.

Title: Sanditon
Author: Jane Austen
Credits: *1817 in Penguin Classics: Jane Austen: Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sanditon. Notes by Margaret Drabble. London: Penguin Books, 1974.
Media: Book 

House Notes:

‘There, I fancy lies my cure’ – pointing to the neat-looking end of a cottage, which was seen romantically situated among wood on a high eminence at some little distance – “Does not that promise to be the very place?’[1]

“This is my old house – the house of my forefathers – the house where I and all my brothers and sisters were born and bred – and where my own three eldest children were born – where Mrs. Parker and I lived till within the last two years – till our new house was finished. – I am glad you are pleased with it. – It is an honest old place – and Hillier keeps it in very good order. I have given it p you know to the man who occupies the chief of my land. He gets a better house by it – and I, a rather better situation!”[2]


Trafalgar – A naval engagement led by Lord Nelson of the British fleet against the French and Spanish navies on October 21, 1805, during the Napoleonic Wars. This is the battle where Nelson lost his life, yet still willing against many odds. Later to be eclipsed by the battle of Waterloo, yet still lived in the hearts of the British because of Nelson and his legacy.

[1] 155.
[2] 169.

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