
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Caesar's Death" Tapestry 1637

Tapestry From the Art Institute of Chicago 

So, I thought that I would share some more photos from my fabulous date with John a while back. This Tapestry is HUMONGOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen a tapestry this big. When you stand next to it, you have to look up so hard that your neck is kinked like you are looking at the ceiling. It also happens to be the most beautiful that I have seen. Some of you may have seen some just as grand, but this one takes the cake for me. I took all three photos, but here is the information from the Art Institute's website.

Information below is from Art Institute of Chicago
Caesar's Death Makes Cleopatra Mourn from The Story of Caesar and Cleopatrac. 1680
Wool and silk, slit and double interlocking tapestry weave
302.1 x 362.4 cm (119 x 142 3/4 in.)

Gift of Mrs. Chauncey McCormick and Mrs. Richard Ely Danielson, 1944.9

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