
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

With An Easter Bonnet On It!

Every year I usually get everyone a new outfit, including hats, gloves and handbags (well, the boys don't get handbags!) for Easter. This year, I just don't have the money due to school. I was working on the mob cap order, when I just had this urge to finish another project that I promised for Rock Castle. I thought that we would make a girl's or lady's fancy Georgian/Colonial Rococo-ish tri-corn hat/ bonnet with ribbon flowers out of a plane Jane country straw bonnet.

Here is my what I started with, and how it ended up. I used white, royal blue, red, pink and green ribbon and goldenrod yarn-floss. I created a royal blue rose with four additional loops, a red rose, and three pink daisies. Yes, these are easy to do!

I just had to have an Easter Bonnet, after all!

(the back) 
This really makes me happy!

Me in the bonnet

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