
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Internship Day 3/27/2013 at "The Hermitage"

Fourth Day As An Intern
Second Day Literally On The Job

What I did today: Well, I continued on with the collections accessioning  I am starting to get the hang of the terminology, and what it pertains to. Because I had worked in this field before, I think that I am moving along quickly, even though we use the exact terminology here, and I didn't before. I am still working on documents, and today was mostly newspapers, but I did get to do two prints. One of these was a silhouette of Jackson standing, holding glasses. The man was just cool, there is no other way to describe it.

I got to watch the movie that visitors watch. This was the first time, ever, that I have seen it. Not only was it good, but I got to see my new friend Dave McArdle play President Jackson in the movie. How fun!

I also took a tour of the mansion. Yes, I have toured it before, but I needed another so that I could write it up for a class for school. I will say that the dining room is my favorite. I cannot take pictures inside. If you haven't seen it, you need to come and visit!

The pretty flowers are on the side of the house and are a ground cover. Here's three pictures, with one as a closeup. I took all of the following pictures.

After exiting the kitchen, I walked around and found this "enchanted" tree. It is an "Empress tree".No one told me that she is enchanted, but I can just tell. (Winky face) She has a large goiter, well that is what it looks like to me. Or, can it be a dragon's egg? Now take a look at the opening of the tree. It looks like a dragon to me. What do you see? 

Can you see the dragon?! Does this mean that this is the Empress Dragon? 
Or, Can this be where the fairies enter their layer? Or????

Here is one of the other interns there. Daniel is an "Interpreter Intern". He is one of the people that is dressed in period attire and will tell you about the mansion and the Jackson family.

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