
Friday, March 22, 2013

My First Visit To "Traveler's Rest"

For Something Like Ten to Fifteen Years

I just joined another local Regency Group here. It seems like these groups have popped up overnight! But how so wonderful! Apparently every other Thursday there is a sewing circle at Traveler's Rest. This week was my first visit. While I didn't have anything to sew (I just finished my shoulder blanket and I had to purchase some leather needles to start the moccasins, my ribbon embroidery stuff isn't in yet and I don't have the items to start my new stays, etc. etc.), I still had a fun time. I learned a lot from Tonya, who is the Education Director there at the mansion. And, I am certainly looking forward to meeting everyone else and learning a lot!

The fotos are as follows: Tonya, Cayla (who apparently doesn't like to take pictures, so this is an amazing shot!), and John, who was just as cute as can be. These pictures were taken in the gift shop that is currently under reconstruction (notice John in his fancy painting stance). Then the entry and exit,the visitor's center, the school house, the walk to the main house and a closer up. Dusky pictures are so romantic, don't you think?


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