
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Newspaper Announcements

What I did today at "The Hermitage"

So, today was my first day actually registering any items at Andrew Jackson's "The Hermitage". I began by recording information on old newspapers. These were from the early 1830s to the latest, which was from 1840. All of the accessioning information is almost the same as what I did at "The Tanner House Museum." There is some minor differences, but I will get them as time goes by.

Just like at Tanner, I have to read what I am looking at! What I noticed from two different papers are sort of as follows. I didn't have time to take a picture of them due to a party that was occurring for an outgoing employee. However, here they are in context (hopefully my memory is accurate as I am an hour away from the museum).

Newspaper from 1840: Notice of arrest and fines for Negroes and mulattoes gathering at a dance. The gathering had not been sanctioned, and so forty people were arrested and fined. Six people paid the $6.00 fine, and the rest decided to work off the fine in the work house.

Newspaper from 1833: Advertisement for lost servant. The indentured servant had run away and there was a six pence reward for information or for his return. The light skinned servant had wiry hair and a lanky frame. The notice was to inform everyone that if they assisted this runaway, they too would be tried and arrested, as well as requiring his immediate return.

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