
Friday, March 29, 2013

Thesis Subject Already????

I was talking with my academic adviser today. She told me that I need to start thinking about my thesis subject. I was like, 


I am only in the middle of my first semester of my Master's program. Why should I start to think of it already? Well, I guess because it's coming up and there's a lot to it. So, if anyone can think of anything, that would be great!

I know that I want it to do with 18th century. The thesis has to be arguable. I would also like it to do with housing of some sort. Duh, right?! I really am into Rococo right now. So, could it have to do with some sort of Rococo room? Oooooo, that would be lovely. Social history for sure. Hmmmmmmmm... More on Robert Adam??? or Capability Brown????

OMG, what do I do?????!!! OOOOO, I could do a full and complete house history (for the 18th century portion, I mean) of one mansion maybe. Any suggestions????

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