
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Frame Cuts From Disraeli Movie

Required Video For My Modern Britain Class

Do you ever look at the buildings, interiors, and or decorations behind the actors in the movies that you watch? I know that most people look at costuming, which can make or brake a show. However, the setting is also very important. I realized that I looked at the background about thirty years ago. It started with Gone with the Wind and its houses, then culminated with the BBC/A&E version of Pride and Prejudice. Now that I know that it's normal for me, my families remarks aren't so strange.

What I don't like about this video is that it is so dark. However, most of the Victorian houses were, and still are, dark due to heavy drapery in many of the rooms. I am also wondering if the setting director thought that it would look more intimate with little lighting. Unfortunately, the film is bleary, too. So, perhaps it was just low budget filming.

The movie is "Disraeli: Portrait of a Romantic"- The Great Game 1858-1872. The star actor is Ian McShane. Directed by Claude Whatham, 1978, Associated Television.

Can you see the fireplace behind the lady? The settee, the picture framing on the walls?

Leaving the Parlor. More picture framing on the wall.
You can barely see the amazing Gothic Door and staircase. WOW

Look at the beautiful picture framing above the fireplace. An oval framed painting is inserted within.

Here you can see the gorgeous golden oak staircase and archway.

The dining room. You can barely see the gilded picture framing on the wall in the background. The door is also gilded framed. Of course, the table and chairs aren't so bad either!

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