
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just A Little On The Hermitage's "Uncle" Alfred.

The Hermitage: Home of President Andrew Jackson
As well as the home of 
Alfred Jackson

Uncle Alfred was born a slave at The Hermitage, possibly in the original kitchen across the yard from the original Hermitage log cabin. His mother had been the cook there. Alfred was Andrew Jackson's man servant and personal slave.

He was the original "curator" and definitely the very first Tour Guide/Docent. He took many people through the Mansion and grounds and wasn't afraid to talk with anyone.

The great man himself, Alfred 

This gentleman was kind enough to stand in the door frame so that I could show the height of the door.

Alfred, the dedicated man was buried in Rachel's Garden, on the other side of the
 rotunda from Andrew and Rachel Jackson.

The Deseret News, October 26, 1901. Page 16.

And, if you feel the need to have a little of Alfred nostalgia at home, you can purchase a dollhouse of his log cabin at The Hermitage's gift shop.

Tags: Slave House, Housing, Cabin, Log Cabin, Slavery, Slave Quarters, Plantation.

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