
Monday, November 18, 2013

Little Displays That I DID

Yes, I know that they are small, 

but you've got to start somewhere!

Another Display that I put together can be seen in the post below

"Pre and Post Civil War Wedding Gowns."

The Civil War Music Exhibit 
in the Dining Room Hutch at Tanner House
I got to go through all of the music instruments, and it was my idea to include original sheet music. You can see some copies also. I did this so that the words and notes could be seen by the visitors. The originals were just too yellow.

I did not hang these, but I chose all of the photos and paintings to go on the walls at Tanner House for the 2012 Halloween Party. I got the idea from friends who don't like the paintings in my house because they say that they are "staring at them." So, I thought that if all of the wall were full of faces "staring", and especially the creepier ones, it would be more Halloweeny. To be honest, I LOVED IT.

Me dressing a form with Mr. Tanner's "everyday suit".
You can't see it in this picture, but his vest is velvet.
Can you imagine dressing like this everyday?
(The Civil War uniform in the back is a replica)

This may seem trivial, but it was the first "museum mounting" of paper that I have ever done. The blue is acid-free paper, and the 1912 cards are mounted with picture corners. The problems that I had here were that the corners kept dropping, and I would have to carefully pull them from the paper without pulling the paper with the corner. This happened continually. This exhibit is for me. I have it hung in my bedroom. 
(Notice "me" on the top right?)

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