
Friday, December 13, 2013

Mansfield Park 2007 Part 1

"Mansfield Park" 2007

Jane Austen
Directed by Iain B. MacDonald
Starring Billie Piper of Dr. Who fame.
and Blake Ritson
At first I didn't want to watch it, but I stayed with it.
I ended up loving it.
I love Blake Ritson. He is so adorable in this picture. His portrayal of acknowledging Fanny is the best that I have seen.

Stairwell of gold and walnut. The green walls with the plaster line that is kind of like a chair rail idea that separates the upstairs from the downstairs.

The door frame

See the plaster?

A little better on the plaster and mantle.

Love the colors on this coach!

Too pretty a scene not to share.

Looking into the house from the front door. There is a beautiful table in the background with "swag and wreath" motif, the spiderweb chair, and the absolutely humongous painting that we never get the full picture of.

The plaster work in this house is just amazing.

Entering from the entry hall to a side room. You can see the swagged table with the amazing flowers. The actor moves so that the audience can see the door, the plaster on the side, the door and frame on the back wall, as well as the plain wall with the barometer. What should that tell you about his character?

Sir Thomas' Study, but my dream room.

Again, that plaster...

OMG, how pretty is this scene?! The papered walls, the chintz swag table with a statue and a vase. There is the stand with the candelabra  sitting next to a pretty stitched chair. And, of course, Beautiful Mira Bertram (Michelle Ryan) with her harp.

A serene scene with her brother who is in the navy, sitting in front of a river... The idea of him going away, perhaps?

I think that you know that I love a good dinner scene by now. Check out the full crystal glasses of champagne in the front of the scene. I'll have one, or two please!

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