
Monday, May 19, 2014

President James K. Polk Museum, Kitchen, And Sisters' House

Columbia, Tennessee


Pretty little violets peeking through the mulch

Sphinx book scraper

Inside the kitchen

Example of tobacco drying

Yep, I do know to work these.

I thought I would be artsy here.
Doll chair and pail in front of the kitchen fire

Door to the courtyard from the kitchen


Outside the Sisters' House
The museum and offices are inside

Ophelia Hayes, the younger sister

This hottie is Polk's Vice President,  George Dallas (whom the city in Texas is named after)

General Gideon Pillow

Mrs. Pillow and son, George

Absolutely amazing tile!

also on the hearth

The man, himself!

I really tried to not get myself in the pic, but it was just too sunny

Dig the hair!

Reproduction of inauguration gown.

Can you see how incredibly small her feet were?
And, you know how much I love cameos! 

Closeup of the scenes on the fan

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