
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Romanticistic Homes

Romanticism Ideologies 

Come Into Physicality

What do all of these homes have in common? They are Romantic in style. What is that? Well, the Romantic thought was that people would go back to their beginnings; that urbanity and symmetry was less ideal than it had been in the earlier Enlightenment period. Equality of humanity was important, as well as getting back to nature.

So, how did that manifest itself in housing? 

Doors were no longer in the middle, separating the house in two. Moving them to one side of the facade made a more interesting view.

Porches were important.
Facades had different levels.

The Classical Revivals were not as popular. Or, there was Romanticism within the design or within the home.

Gothic Revival became more important as the Gothic Novel came into being, and became highly popular.

Many people purchased a country house instead of, or in addition to their city house.

Farming was very popular for even the upper classes.

Gothic scenery became just as important as the farm and building itself.

Follies were built in abundance to give the impression of lost civilizations, and easier times. There were there for the sheer beauty, without any other function what-so-ever.

Plain living became popular with plain facades.


Italianates of all sorts became the most seen throughout the United States.

restoring the Roost

Large windows were other ways to bring the outside indoors.

Including bay windows on many stories.

Unsculptured landscaping was thought to be more honest than formal ones were.
Chimneys had differing heights.
Porches resembling grottos  were created with the addition of many plants.
Cupolas added more light as well as air-conditioning.
Large wasn't necessarily out, but walkways, aviaries, and greenhouses were definitely still in! 

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